Flaptrap - July 28, 2004

Discovering the ugly truth behind Heinz

Does the name Teresa Heinz-Kerry tell you anything? I suppose she is Kerrys wife. She spoke live yesterday in Boston. She makes me PUKE! She uses her Hispanic background and other languages she can (barely) speak in a, lets say..."weird" way (as all politicians do). And boy is she UGLY! She is held together by make-up and stuff. Her face was so stiff from it that she looked 80.

If thats his wife...man, that guy needs a kick in the ass for BAD TASTE in women (besides for all the other shit)!


Oh yeah...it is his wife. Now I found this German site. I wish you could read German, you'd get sick like me.

It says she has European roots. She is older than him (Kerry) and was at first married to that ketch-up guy. She was born in Mozambique, daughter of a Portuguese doctor and went to university in South Africa and Genf (Geneva?). So Africa is part of Europe now?

For some reason she is totally in slime (tune?) with the Germans (they all love her) and she states it constantly; how much everyone loves her and how she is the real deal. Supposedly she is/was at first "battered" by the burden of the campaign. She opposed it in the beginning but now supports it 200%.

Did I mention how proud John Kerry is to share the exact same initials with his "idol" John F.Kennedy? No i didn't,right?

I puke...I am sick...that guy is so slimy!

And so is she. Please pray that she is not going to try to step into Hillary's footsteps! All we need is another tart on the democratic side.

Is there anywhere a need for a political column ala Jessie?I would LOVE to have one!

If not,sarcasm is another one of my hobbies.If I only had more time.

Posted by Jessie at July 28, 2004 06:22 PM

A totally arranged marriage!!! For their political interests!!! That is my opinion. Look at her, only $$ could make you look the other way!! She is a loose cannon, she can't even control her mouth...or her ego! Hmmm, I wonder who wears the pants in that family!? Hey, there is no way in hell I'm voting for that!! Never would consider it anyway. He should have married someone else. Politically she has ruined him.

Posted by: Tracy at September 1, 2004 01:21 PM
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