Flaptrap - August 16, 2004

I am SO not ever going to church!

So,here we are, at one of my neighbors house,yesterday.
And just when I think......hey!Great....I might actually REALLY join y'all to church one sunny sunday.....its starts ALLOVER AGAIN!
Here we stand talking about gay people.The trigger was because on a recent party someone who was here is gay.No idea how we REALLY got to the subject but here is our conversation:
Neighbor:Why is he gay?I know they tell you they are born that way but thats BS.
Me (in stupid question=stupid answer mode):I don't know...maybe he got sick of being straight and turned gay?!
Neighbor:Ah...how come he was there?
Me:Well,he's considered one of our friends and no matter how much I disagree with whatever they are or do,I am trying to leave them all in their values and respect them.None is perfect,thank god!
Neighbor:But you know that it is wrong.Because if one of your friends would turn out to be a murderer or child molester,you would not want them to be around anymore,right?
Me: I would say that is something SO totally different!Being gay is not even close to that!I mean,come on...it doesn't hurt anyone!
Neighbor:I does hurt you,mostly your kids.Its the same because its mortal sin!Its wrong and you know it!
Me:Might be wrong to you and I but for them its not,they are happy that way and the least we can do is respect others and take them for who they are.That has SO nothing to do with mortal sin!if I wouldn't have told you,you wouldn't even know that he's gay!
Neighbor: How come he didn't tell anyone,he?Because he KNOWS its wrong!
Me (rolling eyes and giving up,changing subject,also trying VERY hart to stay nice and calm):Speaking about wrong...I need to get the dog out of your pool!Sorry that she jumped in again.I'll clean that now.
Neighbor starts laughing......the day has been saved.

But I am SO not ever going to church again.I am sick of this shit.Mortal sin my ass.If the church puts gays with criminals I am sincerely apologizing to ALL gays for EVER being such an asshole about the whole gay thing!
So what next is a crime?I mean lets face it...whatever we do,its never right in the eyes of ANY church.
Boy they probably would call an exorcist on me if they would ever find out that I have three teen aged children living with my ex (BAD MOTHER!!) and that Jeremy was born exactly 7 month after we got married...full term....almost 8 lbs....there was no excuse.:0)

Posted by jesspea at August 16, 2004 03:01 PM | TrackBack

7 months, 4 days. Hey, those 4 days are important! They could be the difference of a month in purgatory. ;-P

Posted by: Jim at August 16, 2004 03:54 PM

A month of lies you mean?LOL

Posted by: LW at August 16, 2004 04:00 PM

And to think...I work with people like that everyday! Maybe we could send all of these bigots to a deserted island and have them zapped with a catholic ray-gun or something.

Posted by: Gir at August 16, 2004 05:27 PM

I almost wrote a long ranting comment, but instead I am going to write a post about this and share the link luv... unless that's like a mortal sin now or something.

Posted by: Trey Givens at August 16, 2004 09:51 PM

Don't you worry, hun....mamma is here to protect you from them bad folk!

Posted by: LW at August 16, 2004 10:58 PM

And you managed it all without tossing him/her into the pool. Honey, you are a saint.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at August 17, 2004 11:36 AM

I am in a really weird boat with those neighbors.They are SUCH nice people,always there when you need help and always let the kids hang out and just really good neighbors.
Its just that when you get into the situation of discussing anything like religion and therefore things that don't fit into THEIR religion.......you better RUN!
The reason I haven't flipped yet is simple..for peace sake I agree to disagree.I feel no need to fight about what I feel is right and they feel is wrong,simply because its not worth the headache.I also have to live here for the next 30 years.LOL
But serious...them too I leave in their way of living,weather I like it or not..thats the way they want to live and I just don;t have to agree with it.:-)
I just need to avoind those talks and then if I get into one I need to VENT!hahahaha
Because,believe me,I am NOT a person that usually SHUTS UP!
I am WAY too loud for that,so if I manage once in a while to behave then the bitch will show up here from now on.:-)

Posted by: LW at August 17, 2004 11:48 AM

Why is it that some churchfolk are the most bigotted people you ever meet? And they are so smugly sure that they are right. That is what really burns me up.

Your Pal

Posted by: haddocktwat at August 18, 2004 04:46 AM

People who make those kind of judgements are not being very Christian - and to those anti-Catholic bigots - hey, not all Catholics act that way, just as not all Baptists are going to tell met that I'm going to hell for being Catholic.

There are bigoted people in every religion.

Posted by: Beth at August 21, 2004 02:32 PM
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