Flaptrap - September 30, 2004

Good evening everyone!

Yes,it is me,I have something new for you today.
I found out that I honestly HATE blogging but yet again,just when I was about to quit the whole crap something funny happened.

We decided today to just screw it all,take the brats and go to Stonemountain Park for a picnic and some fun.We went to the ole Grist Mill first to eat and there I met a lady from Holland.So we talked for like two hours while Jim at first passed out on a park bench and then he and the kids spent the rest of our time there collecting those acorns.When the lady left and I had no one to talk to anymore we decided to go to the "Sky Rider" up the mountain.Nothing that special you'd think but up there are huge holes filled with water.Kids and water......fill in the blanks!So wet they were and tourists had a again (they do that every year!!) a blast taking pictures of my kids jumping in huge puddles,getting wet from head to toe.Of course I will never learn my lesson and bring a change of cloth and towel or even right away put them into swimming trunks.....
anyways.....so we went back down to the car where I,smartly,had,this time,swimming trunks and towels.So they all had to get naked on the parking lot to change into their........right........swimming trunks to get home,dry somehow.Jimmy got away with just a diaper (weird enough that diaper was still dry??) on,directly into the car seat ,Jeremy is ashamed enough for his age to dive into the van and get dressed there.Jason on the other hand is a different story.......all we heard was "I AM NAKED!I AM NAKED!NAAAAAAAAAAAAKED!NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKED!!".SO I turned around to discover my son dancing in his naked glory in the MIDDLE OF THE PARKING LOT!
I am just glad there was no one there....my belly still hurts from laughing and I wish I would have had my video camera there!
I hope y'all had a wonderful day,too!

Posted by Jessie at September 30, 2004 07:49 PM | TrackBack

You forgot the triumphant victory lap around the van. Oh, my belly hurt so bad from this one. LOL


Posted by: Jim at September 30, 2004 08:05 PM

Sounds fabulous! Gotta love the naked dance of triumph.

Posted by: RP at October 1, 2004 09:34 AM

I wish I could get away with such.....

Posted by: LW at October 2, 2004 01:44 PM
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