Flaptrap - December 13, 2004

For the year 2005

I am going to change some things in my life drastically:

1.I am going to cut off some family members and "friends".I am pretty sick and tired to be the only person who seems to care for contact.
You people don't have time,fine,but please say so,I am tired of stupid excuses.
I got the picture,I am backing off now.You don't want us as part of the family anymore,good,I am perfectly fine with that.
And you so-called "friends"...whatever,I have NO words other then:thanks for all the prayers,maybe one day that'll make all the bad things go away and pay the bills (I do NOT imply you should give me money,but the ones I mean KNOW what the hell I am talking about).And thanks but no thanks,I am STILL not going to church with you.Which you have probably noticed by now and which is why you have no longer time,right?

2.Anyone ever saying anything bad again about my kids,is going to regret it.I am sick and tired of people who expect 2-5 year olds to behave like Einstein or "adults".If you can't deal with the fact that little kids play loud,rough house,say "I love you" or other nice things to you (really,you should be grateful they ARE nice kids,many are NOT!) or just can't deal with the fact that they like you,then stay the hell away from us!Better yet,why don't you just move into some adult community where kids are TABU.

3.This is MY house therefore MY rules.Don't like it?Go to hell.

4.Christmas:from now on no one other then my kids and hubby and maybe a few very special people are on my gift list anymore.I can't shit money and since there seems to be no respect for that you just won't get anything.

5.Christmas pictures:I am taking them for US and US alone.Don't like it?Good,one picture less to mail this year!Because I will only mail them to people who really want them,mostly grandparents,but only if the whining about the damn 5x8 size stops!

6.Christmas/other occasion cards:from now on you can take it or leave it but who has email will receive an electronic card.Lets face it,you are lucky I am thinking about you.Bitching about not having received a real card will just make me not send you one AT ALL anymore.

That pretty much covers it for now.However there will be more,I am sure.

A big hug and thank you to all the people who are TRUE friends!
I am really happy to know you and wish you all the best for the holidays and the new year.

Everyone else....you know where you can shove it.

Happy Monday!

Posted by jesspea at December 13, 2004 11:59 AM | TrackBack

I don't know about the rest of it, but I so hear you about kids. Einsteins who behave like little Lord Faultnroys or howerver that name is spelled. There is a reason for childhood and that is to learn how to become an adult. That means kids misbehave at times, kids test limits, kids get frustrated and cry or otherwise act "inappropriately".Give the kid a chance. Most of the kids I know act a whole lot better than adults (who also act obnoxiously,all the while looking snidely at some kid who happens to be talking above a whisper, but adults can get away with it and are sometimes applauded by other adults for being nasty to a kid who wasn't behaving like little miss perfect!...okay, I think I just ranted myself.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at December 14, 2004 07:26 AM

Thats exactly my point.And it is really starting to work on my nerves.Especially since my kinds REALLY and generally NOT misbehave arround other people.But some folks seem to live with the old thought "kids should be seen,not heard".

The other stuff...I don't think the people I am talking about will ever read it,but I needed to get it off my chest.LOL
I have just decided to NO LONGER take any crap.For some reason certainl folks seem to think I am some sort of a door mat because mostly for peace sakes,I kept on taking it.They don't take anything,so I don't think I should have to.:-)

Posted by: LW at December 14, 2004 10:43 AM

What I would give for my kids to be that little again. You don't realize how much you miss the noise and commotion until it's all gone, especially once they become teenagers.
Quite often, when entertaining guests with small children, I find myself on the floor playing with them as if I were one of them. Probably why my wife sometimes considers me "her other child".

Anyone who can't tolerate your children needs to know where the door is. :)

Posted by: diamond dave at December 14, 2004 05:10 PM
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