Flaptrap - December 22, 2004

The rat

Well,it is official.I am a killer.Unfortunately not the rat but a little tiny bird got into one of those nasty traps.
So maybe now those people who laugh their asses off understand WHY I don't like using snap traps but prefer the life traps.
I want that rat dead,not all the other wild life in my yard!
Indeed,I feel like a heartless killer now!My birds inside look at me with disgust in their eyes.They hate me now.
It is a fact that birds love peanut butter.Thats what we put into the traps.I can hear the f***ing rat laugh its ass off.
I'll go turn myself into Lawrenceville Police custody now....

Posted by jesspea at December 22, 2004 11:14 AM | TrackBack

Ugh, I'm sorry.
We had a rat/mouse problem, I'm stil not sure which, but it was in the hosuw. I hopw you catch the pest, and I understand your desire to use live traps. We prefer them as well.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at December 22, 2004 04:50 PM

We still have a problem with the little Mother Fuckers. The other day I was in the attic and noticed a box with chew marks on it. It contained some collectables so I brought it down to see how much damage the Mother fucking rat did to my shit. I began pulling stuff out and throwing it away. Just as I was about to remove the last item the little mother Fucker ran around the bottom of the box. The morning silence was shattered with a scream load enough to wake the dead. I quickly closed the box and grabbed the trash can. I filled the trash can a third of the way with water and dumped him in.
I stood there until the little Mother Fucker could no longer tread water and watched as he slowly slipped below the surface for the last time. The moral of this story is: If you are a Mother Fucking rat stay the hell out of my house.

The End.

Posted by: Phreelife at December 22, 2004 08:28 PM

hmmm....I like your...uhmmmm....."detailed" description.LOL

Posted by: LW at December 22, 2004 10:09 PM
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