Flaptrap - April 29, 2005

Hump Day

What is it with Wednesday being "Hump Day"?Seems like every Wednesday me and my neighbor team up to get wasted.Well,maybe not wasted but intoxicated to a certain extend.And if Hump Day is spoiled by any kind of weather or other nasty things,we HAVE to go for the next day to make up for it.
All we really need is a backyard alley,because we would beat King of the Hill's "yup"....."ahuh"....in NO TIME.
Just imagine us for a moment:two woman standing with a beer bottle in their hand under the Rebel Flag (which hangs from my car port),5-10 screaming kids around us and all we have to say is "ARE YOU STILL TALKING?".....Yup......ahuh...."WELL STOP IT!"....nope....
Life is good,Hump Day kicks ass and making up for a lost Hump Day kicks even more ass!
Remains only one thing to ask:WHEN did this ever become a tradition here??
And I have to say this:the answer to the question "What do home-stay Moms do all day?Watching soaps?" is simple:NOT on HUMP DAY!On Hump Day we actually get OFF our asses,off the couch,turn off the TV,record the Soaps and get DRUNK!
Oh yeah!
That said:Have a nice weekend everyone!

Posted by jesspea at April 29, 2005 10:52 AM | TrackBack


Posted by: Jim at April 29, 2005 04:07 PM
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