Flaptrap - May 03, 2005

Back on popular demand:Today on Freecycle

Yup,its back.Some asked me to start posting on it again.
The question is:WHERE am I going to start??
Lets just say some people can absolutely NOT read,or they just DON'T read.The guy I got the gas BBQ from last year,just received and email from some free-cycler asking if he still has the BBQ.Dude,check the date!Its almost a YEAR ago!Geeezzz....
That....and boy.....the wanted posts are starting to get ridiculous at times again.Someone wants a canoe,another one a utility trailer...on other groups food has been posted and NAIL CLIPPERS!TOE NAIL CLIPPERS!
Yesterday someone posted expired Nicorette Gum.Great...

A lady I am communicating with lately works in the mental health care and said the following:

"I'm sure that eventually the DSM-IV will come up with a list of symptoms for the diagnosis of free-cycling addiction.
1. Greed.
2. Self-centeredness
3. Righteousness
4. Self-servitude"

I can only agree with her!!

Posted by jesspea at May 3, 2005 01:59 PM | TrackBack

Tell 'em about the Yahoo ID thing. That reminded me so much of the Georgia House of Representatives. Hehehehe

Posted by: Jim at May 3, 2005 03:25 PM
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