Flaptrap - May 06, 2005

Freecycle......oh yeah!

Lets see......a friend of mine has had about as enough of his local Freecycle as I have of mine.He actually posted part of my rant on his group and got in trouble for it.But one of the best responses was this one:

"It is too bad that both these people can not just see Freecycling from
point of view that so many of us share: It is a way to give things away that we no longer want or need to others who desire these things. It is a way to celebrate abundance. Of course, this is just my personal Freecycle opinion/attitude, which would be of absolutely no interest to the blogger, no doubt, as it does not coincide with his narrow view of things!
*name withheld*"

I am laughing..."..to celebrate abundance".....what a bunch of crap!
"...this is just my personal Freecycle opinion/attitude, which would be of absolutely no interest to the blogger..."
Dude,that's why I am blogging on it because all your personal opinions and attitudes SUCK ASS!
"..as it does not coincide with his narrow view of things".......OK......I don't think there is a MORE open minded person then ME.
But thats just my personal opinion/attitude which of course,would be of absolute no interest to the Free-cycler.

I also have a little tip:
there are MORE and OTHER ways to give things away we no longer want/need.It's called charity etc.,rather then to assholes who take advantage of FREE stuff,sell it (after telling lies and sob stories about HOW MUCH they NEEDED the stuff) and fuck people over where they can.
On the Gwinnett group it has been the case that people actually STOLE stuff from the givers house and/or damaged property.


Posted by jesspea at May 6, 2005 01:57 PM | TrackBack
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