Flaptrap - May 13, 2005

I am a Rebel

I like the rebel flag.And unlike some of our black fellow citizens believe,I do not like it because I hate them (maybe I just hate those that are just so full of shit?) or because I am having orgasms thinking about the almighty slavery.In fact,I am 1st generation from Germany and can GUARANTEE you neither me nor anyone in my family has EVER been a plantation owner/slave keeper.And if they would have been then how the hell does that make me at fault?Anyways,I like the rebel flag because it is COOL,because I live in the South and it belongs here,because it is part of Georgia but mostly because I JUST LIKE IT!It has no other meaning to me then that it is COOL and fits my rebellious personality.I have my share of prejudism,I admit that but that doesn't have anything to do with WHY I have a rebel flag on my car and house.It does however work for keeping away certain homeboys,for some reason they think you might get a rifle and go shot them,because after all,you hate all blacks because you have a rebel flag.
I just have one thing to say:GET A LIFE!
I always have and always will be rebelling against this entire bullshit of society.
That said,here is my pride and joy:

cutout.jpg rebel-flag.jpg

Posted by jesspea at May 13, 2005 12:26 PM | TrackBack
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