Flaptrap - August 24, 2004

Once there was a hacker..

Yes there was.Yesterday night to be precise.As y'all know, there is Freecycle.Freecycle was run by 2 owners and 6 or 7 moderators.Two of the moderators were me and my PIC (MoMo).Well,one glorious day we got FIRED.You ask why?Well,we are not so sure but one reason was most likely because we BOTH hate Kerry.But thats just a general thought.The official version is because I refused to give up my privacy and PIC was accused of a fake email address.The superior brain behind this (some bitch named...C)found that I had NO right to privacy and PIC lied about the header trace of his OWN,yes his OWN email domain.Out we were....PIC also hit the road of the actual email group,he just had enough.I stuck around the email group....hey......ya ain't takin' the free stuff away from this here lady!
None of the other mods ever even took the time or breath to lay a good word in for us either,so we figured.........fuck you all and life goes on.Note this passage for I will return to it....
PIC and I stayed in touch and on occasion I up-date him about the brilliant minds that exist in the email world.Generally nothing special happens,nothing other then maybe a weird Offer or Want post.But then yesterday came along:

Yesterday night.PIC and I were chatting along on IM when some strange email from Freecycle made it into my inbox.Having [Freecycle Gwinnett] OFFER: Free Slippers made from Maxi Pads in the subject line and reading the following text in the body:
These are for you redneck women.


What to do when the change of life is done, and you still have a box
of pads left over, or way too much time on your hands, make Slippers
You need four maxi's to make one pair. Two of them get laid out flat
for the foot part. The other two wrap around the toe area to form the
top. Tape or glue each side of the top pieces to the bottom of the
foot part. Decorate the tops with whatever you desire, silk flowers, etc.
Benefits of using these "Pad-About" Slippers:
(1) - Soft and Hygienic
(2) - Non-slip grip strips on the soles
(3) - Built-in deodorant feature, keeps feet smelling fresh
(4) - No more bending over to mop up spills
(5) - Disposable, biodegradable, and environmentally safe
(6) - Three convenient sizes: Regular, Light, and Get out the Sand Bags!

OK,not much too that.Stupid and has nothing to do there but hey.....idiots slip through once in a while.But then,about 5 minutes later the same person posted a Want for "wet pussy" and then an Offer for several porn sites and then this:
Subject line:PASSWORD
Body: Your password was to easy to guess dumb ass. Should I share what I found
in your email?I can APPROVE any and all messages. I AM THE FUCKING RULER OF THE ROOST!

And on and on we go.Threats,porn sites,jokes,comments........you name it,that guy was in his glory!He had hacked into the groups owners account and was having a blast harassing everyone.I probably saw more porn in 5 minutes time then in my entire life!Bless him!
Of course the actual moderators where all out asleep.Accept one who contacted another and the ball got rolling.But hey...what is this?They ask ME,yes ME......for help!
"Jessie!How do we get rid of the hacker?We are scared,we don't know what to do!"
But Jessie was mean because she was kicked out a few weeks ago for defending her rights.SO I told them they can kiss my ass and they have to figure it out by them self.In the meantime MoMo and I were dieing here.We laughed our asses off.The owners,who just recently pissed off us,finally pissed off the wrong person!!!!Someone who actually went out and kicked some ass!
Way to go,whoever you are!
PIC and I had told the owners over and over again to get rid of private info on the groups but NO,they wouldn't listen and now it came to a hackers advantage.Revenge is sweet.
But now you've guessed it:first I and then PIC got accused to be that hacker!Boy,I am so sorry to say that I wasn't!I wish I was!
PIC successfully traced the hacker back to NY.However the superior bitch C thought she could do a BETTER trace and traced the header back to PIC.
Yeah right.....LOL
Today at 3 PM eastern time I was officially told that the header and IP have been traced back to my PICs home,he IS the hacker,C claims and has no scruple in spreading the news.Well,let me break the news to you you BITCH:He isn't!As a matter of fact,he is not even home since Sunday!Big old DUUUUUUHHHHH in order!
In any ways.......to get back to my previous statement of fuck you all and life goes on,it does.PIC and I will continue to laugh our asses off at a bunch of idiots that think they rule the world of email.We will continue to enjoy the benefits of ignorance of those who are just PLAIN STUPID.
You stabbed our backs and got stabbed back by someone who got REALLY pissed off.
Maybe you guys oughtta think twice the next time you piss someone off.
And a brief message to that bitch C:
Get lost and don't fuck with me!

With love from Russia,
Jessie (unfortunately not a hacker)
and from out of town:
PIC (MoMo,who is wishing on a star right now)

Ps:WHat the hacker really wanted was to kick A's ass.A is the brain behind Freecycle Gwinnett (or so he thinks)and I guess he fucked up (again).So the hacker hacked his account and went to town on A.
I realy wish I was the hacker........

Posted by jesspea at August 24, 2004 07:24 PM | TrackBack

That is sooo soooo funny.

Posted by: MoMo at August 24, 2004 08:30 PM

Woo hoo! Kick ass, Baby!

Posted by: Jim at August 24, 2004 08:44 PM

Oh wow, Talk about getting one's comeuppance! LOL.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at August 25, 2004 12:43 PM

I guess they have learned that what comes around, goes around.

Posted by: RP at August 25, 2004 05:38 PM

Amazing! So fitting!

Posted by: mitzi at September 5, 2004 09:03 PM
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