Flaptrap - November 30, 2004

Freecycle Gwinnett SUX!

I hate Freecycle Gwinnett!
These people have completely lost their mind.Posters are becoming more and more greedy every day!
Excuse me,I have no money either and I also find it hard to buy my kids expensive stuff but that's just the way it is.Why the hell do you expect someone else to buy it FOR you?The purpose of that group was to keep unwanted items off of the landfills.
Do you REALLY think anyone is throwing Nintendo/Playstation/XBox games and systems into the trash?

Someone asked the other day for a TRAILER!"In case you have one rotting in your backyard....".
Someone else keeps asking for donations for churches and other institutions,right now they are asking for deodorant,toothpaste etc,all kind of personal care items to make gift baskets.Don't get me wrong,I don't mind that kind of thing nor do I mind donating,but I honestly don't think you want my old,nasty,used deodorant and toothpaste for them?Because the rules for Freecycle state that you can only request things that someone else doesn't need anymore in order to keep them off the landfills.I am not going to run to the store and buy stuff to throw it out!So this is the wrong place to ask for donations,period.
There are folks that claim they lost everything when they moved down here and haven't saved up enough money to buy pots and pants to cook in for the holidays and since they have the ENTIRE family of 20 coming for dinner they need pots and pans.So you actually CAN afford to feed THIS many people but do not have enough money to go to the store and get a cheap,nasty pan set for 14.95 from Walmart?Next time just say you want to SAFE some money because having all these folks over for dinner is expensive or you just need pans.But don't give me crap about not having saved up money for pans.
I know I sound cruel but believe me,I know what it is to get by without so I mean...you really just gotta set your limits somewhere,don't you think?I am willing to give you anything that I don't use anymore and help you out any way I can but please be honest!
Then there was a lady that offered some PC games for kids,so I replied and she said I can have them and because I wasn't able to pick up until Wednesday she was going to drop them off this morning.I just found out she gave them to someone else,without even telling me.Which is against the rules,but then again the management of Freecycle sux so bad,they don't give a shit.
I was asking if I could post a request for some info on a low-cost or maybe volunteer dog trainer,just to hear that I wasn't allowed to do so because "that has nothing to do with keeping things off the landfills".Next thing I read is a post from a lady that got stuck in traffic,missed Dr.Phill's advice of the day and was asking if someone who had seen it could send it to her.WTF does THAT have to do with keeping stuff off landfills??Of course I got no answer when I tried to get that across to the management....
I gave so much stuff away on Freecycle,even my kids beloved swing set,thinking the lady who came and picked it up could REALLY use it....she sold it,because her in-laws wouldn't let her set it up in THEIR yard.
Nice,just nice.
I used to be a manager there and things were much better then.Now,they just don't give a crap anymore.
I am going to unsubscribe there now....

Posted by jesspea at November 30, 2004 02:42 PM | TrackBack

That is so sad. It was such a great idea. It's a shame when an altruistic cause dies through greed.

Posted by: Jim at December 2, 2004 10:47 AM

It is the same on Freecycle Atlanta and Decatur. First of all it is like the lottery and if you do not sit in front of the puter 24/7 your chances are nill. I am almost sure alot of these people are taking stuff and selling it for profit not using it. I checked out one lady who said she was a teacher at a local school. Come to find out there was no such teacher employed there. She lied as I think most of them do. If the word free is attached to it slime starts oozing from the woodwork.
Just to fuck with people I listed an offer for a car, of course there wasn't one and you should have read some of the stories they told. I called a few of the numbers that were given and turned out they were used car dealers. Just Damn.

Posted by: Phreelife at December 2, 2004 01:21 PM

I know it.It used to be a member of Freecycle Atlanta,too.I unsubscribed there because of all the bickering and lieing.
Maybe we are talking about the same "teacher".It was in...maybe June or July,this lady claimed she was opening a re-k class or something and had no material.I wondered why the hell a school wouldn't provide financials for such a thing.I offered her some stuff but requested info on that school.Of course she NEVER showed up after that nor did she give any info.
I used to be manager for Gwinnett and boy,me and another guy kicked some serious butt and sorted people and checked them out.We cam accross some serious shit.So we put up a system but then the ACTUALL owner of the whole Freecycle thing bitched us out and eventually we got kicked out as managers.One reason,besides that they didn't like us checking people,was our political view.Someone else (we never found out who) also wasn't happy with the way he was treated by the owner and actually got so far that he hacked and cracked the whole group.
Believe me,there is a serious MOB behind that whole thing.

Posted by: LW at December 2, 2004 01:32 PM

A massive cult freecycle is taking over the recycling world and making it's members believe that it is totally free. What they do not freely show you upon joining is that they have a budget of $150,000 and counting which they receive from individual and corporate donations .

This group is for former members who have escaped and want to share their experiences of how they were brainwashed and subsequently taken advantage of one gift at a time.

After all it was your items that you offered up and not theirs. Why are you not making anything out of it? Because you have a big heart and want to give. So why should Freecycle be making anything? Please use an email address that you do not or have never used on Freecycle. Remember they have a Freecycle Mod Squad where they secretively pass around information about members and black ball them. So now that you are here.

There is no need to fear here. It is time to recover from this addiction and discover other people like yourself who have felt cheated with caring words about items not ending up in a landfill. Too bad your items are generating money for Freecycle.

Tell us your experiences about Freecycle so that others around the world will not get caught up in this scheme and end up regretting it.

Moderated to keep those freecycle cult members from posting.

Please feel free to post and reply.

Take the above banner link to us and support our recovering members thanks.

Once you join the freecycle.orgy it is hard to stop because after all you are getting done good one gift at a time. Now it is time to turn on over and assume another position.


Posted by: Freecycle Anonymous at April 29, 2005 11:54 AM

For the past several weeks, I have been posting and generously giving away items. Last night, I had someone snatch up 4 items as soon as they were posted. I tried to post a taken but teh moderator refused because she questioned how it was possible for them to be taken. I forwarded her the email from the person who had responded to my post. She refused to apologize and now has banned me from the site. WOW, banned for GIVING?? Thats interesting. I think I am going to claim all the crap I gave away as a tax write-off and from now on, if I have to give anything away I will give it to a shelter or burn it in the backyard. Screw Gwinnett FreeCycle. They are horrible.

Posted by: Deeann at April 30, 2005 09:58 PM

I, too, have become increasingly agitated by Freecycle Gwinnett. I can't believe that the "moderators" allow such posts as "Wanted: 2000 or newer Ford F-150", with a line like, "I need it to feed the homeless." Who the hell really believes that?? Any moderator worth his salt would see straight through that and refuse to post such a thing. Where do they find their management...at a Hooked on Phonics dropout convention?

Posted by: Rebekah at July 13, 2005 01:29 PM
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