Flaptrap - December 07, 2004

Child abduction-Parents should be licensed!

Yesterday,here in the Atlanta area,a little 2 year old girl had been abducted.
The parents apparently had left her asleep in the RUNNING van,while they ran into a restaurant.
Now,here is my problem:WHAT idiot leaves there child alone inside a RUNNING car/van??Isn't that just asking for trouble?
I mean,yes,we all occasionally leave the kids inside the car while running inside a gas station or something.But don't we at least turn the car off and lock all the doors and make sure the car is in sight?I do.I usually even stand with my back to the clerk,just so I can see the kids.
Seriously now:WHY are the parents not being punished?
Some would say,the shock was enough punishment.I don't agree.They will probably never do it again but still.The kid could have been dead.
It stuns me over and over again that we all need a license for everything in life but being a parent.Not that I would appreciate the fact of having to go get a license in order to be a parent,but if you think about what idiots and incompetent people are out there having kids,it makes you CRY!

Posted by jesspea at December 7, 2004 06:29 PM | TrackBack

I agree with you about why nothing is done to the parents in these situations. Of course there is alot going on in this country right now that makes me very nervious. God is probably looking down on the human race right now and asking himself "What the hell have I done".

Posted by: Phreelife at December 8, 2004 03:24 PM
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