Flaptrap - January 27, 2005

Today on Freecycle:

Hi,again another entree into my never ending bash on Freecycle.Today we are requesting AIRLINE TICKETS!Yup,got that right.


[Freecycle Gwinnett] Wanted: 2 Airline tickets to St. Louis for 1/27 Emergency
Found out today that a good friend is critically ill & not expected
to make it. If anyone has connections to get tickets for
PM flight to St. Louis w/ return 1/31 pm would be a a god send.
It's a 10 hr drive and the prices online are out of our range.
If you read this will you please lift him & his family up in prayer --
his name is XXXX.
Thank you.

And here is another good one from today:

[Freecycle Gwinnett] Wanted: Passes for Stone Mountain?? Please read.
Hi there,
I've been posting that I am preparing for a mission trip to Peru.
My husband suggested we go to Stone Mountain occasionally as it
would be an excellent place to do some hiking to prepare for the
trek in to the canyon near Curahuasi. There are 4 in our family (my
daughter is going to Peru as well) and her best friend is also going
to Peru. So.. if anyone has any sort of free passes for 4 or 5 I
would be VERY grateful. My son is 3. Don't know if that makes a
difference at Stone Mountain.
Thank you!!!

I am wondering how hard it could be for someone who can afford such a great trip with this many people to pay 50 Dollars for a day pass at a park?
Hiking......at Stone Mountain....DAMN thats a good excuse to get a freebee!

Posted by jesspea at January 27, 2005 09:42 AM | TrackBack

I can't believe some of the posts for free cycle. I keep seeing some wants for big items and pity stories to go with them. Our admin posted that we were not to post stories, just items. I don't post wants, just reply for stuff I want and stuff I want to give...

Posted by: Holly at January 27, 2005 03:48 PM

Wow. My first reaction upon finding this website and that fact that people (on Freecycle) were being mocked really made me angry and made me think... whoever is writing this has obviously never been in these circumstances. The only way you could understand the need of a plane ticket when you don't have the funds and when you're losing a family member or friend would be to be in that situation. I don't wish that on you but to mock someone who is in that situation? You've got to be kidding me. Why shouldn't people be able to reach out to others for help? Does this world really have to be so ugly that you can't ask for help when you need it?

As far as the pass for Stone Mountain. Let's see. First of all.. I'm not rich. Far from it. I am using a week of my vacation to go to Peru to sleep on the ground, drink brown water, and other details I won't go in to that are far from "a great trip" in the way you refer to it. I am going there to learn about the people and the culture and to share with the people there about Jesus. Our entire group is raising money and being supported by friends and family to go on this mission.

Maybe if you did something selfless and went on a mission trip, maybe if you didn't have any extra money after you paid your bills, maybe if you thought people should be able to say "hey, if you have extra passes sitting around not being used, may I have them?"

I feel like I'm wasting my breath trying to even explain this to you....

I'm sorry that you feel the way that you do towards good people who were obviously in need (plane tickets) or were just reaching out to other people for encouragment and help. You're right... why should people help each other if they can? What kind of world would this be if that happened?

I'm not angry any more... just sad that you (and Holly) see things the way that you do.

Posted by: Jackie at January 31, 2005 09:12 AM

I have been in situations worse then this, you have NO idea how much worse, but you can’t expect or rely on others to pay for it. Its also pretty rude to ask that from someone.
There is a difference between asking for help for life's necessities and something that is not necessary at all. People have to realize that if you can not afford something, you can not afford something. Unless it’s a life or death thing you should not ask for such things. Of course I understand someone wanting to see their friend before its to late, but if you can't pay for it then that’s it.
The pity tour and sobbing stories on Freecycle are running out of hand. If you need something,fine,if I have it, I'll give it to you, but I do not need to hear a sob story to go with. Just ask for it.
Sorry, I do not agree with you, nor will I ever.
There are unfortunately people who take advantage of the system by lying and sobbing.
We have been helped by many good people when push came to shove,but I am able to at least show prove that we REALLY needed it.And believe me....it was not for fun stuff!

Posted by: LW at January 31, 2005 10:42 AM

Also Jackie,I am wondering....do you want me to feel sorry for you because you are going on a trip to drink brown water and sleep on the floor,etc?That is your decision,and great that you are willing to do that but please to ask me to feel sorry for you.
And in order to be selfless I do not feel the need to waste my time on a trip for some hypocrite religious "mission".Its sad that people feel they have to roll through dirt in order to be a good person in Gods eyes,rather then to just go and do something good in their own name.

Posted by: LW at January 31, 2005 10:46 AM

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

These requests are allowed by the Freecycle mods only because they are sob stories. They are absolutely not what Freecycle is about. Explain to me how Stone Mountain passes or an airline ticket contribute to landfill problems.

I have no problem at all with people asking for donations, help, gifts, whatever. It's up to the people who are willing to give - a matter of free choice. Personally I'm more along the lines of Lovely Wife - I generally don't ask for things that I haven't earned. But again, this is a personal choice and others are free to make their own.

No, my sole objection to these things being on Freecycle is that they do not belong there. They water down the mission of the organization and I have no doubt that they will eventually disrupt it to the point that the organization as a whole fails in its actual purpose.

There are other places for requests like this, places specifically meant for them. Try the free stuff and request areas of Craig's List.

Posted by: Jim at January 31, 2005 10:57 AM

Some people just don't see the forrest through all the trees.Or maybe they just don't WANT to see it!

Posted by: LW at January 31, 2005 12:51 PM

I don't recall asking anyone to feel sorry for me at all. Geez. I apologize for "misusing" the Freecycle Group. That wasn't my intention.

One more thing to clarify.. I don't have to do a single thing to be a good person in God's eyes. This is something I am trying to do for Him, expecting nothing in return.

Again, sorry to have gotten you all so fired up.

Posted by: Jackie at January 31, 2005 01:13 PM

This is off topic but boy do I hate it when people say "for HIM".Please!I am not trying to put your religion down,and apologize if you think that,but you need to get a life.
What do you think HE will care weather or not you go to Peru or not?
Its a wonderfull excuse to go on a trip,gotta give you that one!
Why would you go and change people?Why do some of you religous people ALWAYS have to put your ideas and views on others??Why don't you just leave the people in Peru the hell alone?Do you REALLY think thats what HE wants you to do?CHANGE everyone into beeing or thinking the same?
That is SO sick in my eyes!

Posted by: LW at January 31, 2005 01:26 PM

I do have a life, a very blessed life. I am sorry that the topic bothers you. I do think HE cares. I didn't say I was going there to "change" anyone, quite the opposite. I said I was going there to meet the people, learn about their culture, experience it and share some of ours with them, yes, including HIM. We don't all think the same. We're quite unique actually. But.. we do believe in the same book and the same God. That's true. If I just wanted to go on a trip I would go with my whole family and just play. Maybe that will be our next trip in a couple of years.

God bless.

Posted by: Jackie at January 31, 2005 01:37 PM

I am pretty sure we do not believe in the same God or book.
But enough about religion.
Good luck in Peru and good luck trying to get park passes.
I am glad I do not feel the need to be in your shoes.

Posted by: LW at January 31, 2005 01:42 PM

Thank you.

Posted by: Jackie at January 31, 2005 01:44 PM
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