Flaptrap - January 31, 2005

Today on Freecycle (yes,another one!)

So,obviously some people think I am mocking people in "need" who post wants like Stone Mountain Park passes and airline tickets.
Fine,so again to the facts here:

The rules on Freecycle state that Freecyles purpose is to keep things off landfills.So I am honestly asking everyone now to look deeper and ask yourself if you would EVER throw park passes and airline tickets onto the landfill?I wouldn't.Yes,it is OK to ask people for help if you are in need.But will you die or go into the gutter if you can't get airline tickets or park passes?No you won't.Therefore I do not think you should ask people for these things.
Then there is this:
I have send several requests to Freecycle,not asking for anything material or free,but just if anyone had any info to help me with Nine-Eye.I did not ask for a home for him,because I want to keep him,I did not ask for money or free stuff,I simply asked if anyone knew a vet who would come out here (and we would pay that vet) to give him a check up and shots.My post was denied because "animals have nothing to do on Freecycle" and "this has nothing to do with keeping things off landfills,if I let this post through I will have 100 people complain about it".In a way I agreed BUT this dog would have ended up on the landfill (killed by animal control)if I wouldn't have been able to find someone and if it wouldn't have been for all the nice folks from hubby's blog who supported and financed this (the donations came not through Freecycle,they were made by friends of the blog).Eventually the manger of Freecycle did hook me up with someone but that still does not take away the fact that they make NO sense.My post was denied,things such as airline ticket and park pass requests are let through.
Sometimes people have passes they post because they can not use them and rather give them to someone.I find that very generous and considerate and THATS the way you should get them,not by asking!I don't think anyone will run out and buy them for you.
Help should be for the needy.There are tons of needy folks and they honestly do NOT need tickets and passes.They need love,support,food,shelter....etc.But in this materialistic world NO ONE will EVER understand my point!
To be honest I think the whole WANT part should be taken off there.
Until then,I'll continue to have fun with all the greediness.

PS:Part of one comment is this:"Does this world really have to be so ugly that you can't ask for help when you need it? "
My answer:No,this world does not have to be ugly and yes,you should be able to reach out for help.You need to consider the NEED.And who tells me it's true?Who tells me it's not just someone who wants to go onto a nice vacation?

Posted by jesspea at January 31, 2005 12:40 PM | TrackBack
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